
Managing Payment Options in the Online Invoices System

From the “Settings” menu choose “Payment Options“.

There are various Payment Gateways integration built into the Online Invoices system. To allow them to be used by clients to make payments to you, you will first need to have an account with that provider. You will then need to enter the relevant username and/or password, and then “activate” that gateway for your system. You can choose at any time to disable any of the gateways, without having to delete them from the system, and re-enable as required.




  • The Online Invoices system offers many methods and gateways for payments.
  • Payment method instructions are displayed to your client for online payment (i.e. bank account number, cheque payment details, postal address, etc).
  • You can suggest another payment method or gateway.


Contact us if you have an issue or more Questions.

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